The Heart Disease Diagnostic Tool is a machine learning application that allows doctors and nurses to determine a patient's diagnosis of heart disease based on their medical information.

The diagnostic tool is capable of producing the most accurate result through the process of machine learning algorithm comparison and evaluation. The application utilises two machine learning algorithms; a neural network perceptron and k-nearest neighbours. These algorithms are built from scratch using Python.

The diagnostic tool is developed in the form of web application, implementing technologies such as ReactJS, Flask, Python, MongoDB, mLab, and Bootstrap.             

Flask is used for handling the backend functionalities such as defining database operations, processing inputs from user interface, and delivering information to the users.

ReactJS is used to develop the user interfaces with user-friendly design. ReactJS implements RESTful API communication to the Flask backend to send, receive and display data.

The diagnostic tool is also integrated with additional functionalities such as patient management, operation waiting-list, medical condition visualisation, and diagnostic severity assignment.

The Heart Disease Diagnostic Tool is deployed on the cloud via a platform as a service called Heroku. The application is available and accessible through any web browsers.