SmartPort is an IoT system based around the smooth running of airport operations. Using OpenCV and Python, the system utilizes computer vision and machine learning to improve communication within airports. Using Java and Android Studio an Android application provides passengers with live information such as Aircraft Status, and Journey Information. The system will make use of existing cameras in an airport to better notify passengers of live updates of their aircraft. Before the passenger gets to the airport, they will already have their flights selected and this app will run seamlessly in the background notifying them of live updates.

Webcams connected to a Raspberry Pi will be installed at both runways and at gates. The webcams will constantly search for aircraft. Once an aircraft has landed and been detected, the Raspberry Pi will then create a connection with the Google Firebase database, and then trigger a push notification which will notify the passengers in the terminal that their aircraft has arrived. The database will also track data such as delays, the time of landing, the time of departure.