In an ever opinionated world of social media, opinions on topics can change in and instance. In addition to this, there arenew topics created everyday, increasing the number of opinions acquirable on the internet. With all these opinions floating around it can be difficult to make sense of and interpret said opinions . 

Word on The Tweet is an application which focuses on one of the most used social media outlets of this generation, Twitter. Twitter allows users to comment on topics or create topics by affixing a # to the word.  This allows Twitter to group all  topic comments with the same # together.

As Twitter is worldwide, application opinions on topics (hashtags) can differ from country to country. Word on The Tweet allows you to insert a hashtag of your choice. Based on this hashtag, the application shall gather a substantial amount of tweets from each one of the major cities in the world and produces an average sentiment (positive, neutral or negative)  of the associated hashtag in that city. This would allow for a quick overview of the opinion of a topic from city to city.