Project Overview
YummFood is a food recipe sharing mobile application that provides a social platform for users and food lovers to communicate with each other. It also provides a seamless way of buying food allowing users to order different ingredients in the online shop function.
Users can have their food delivered and therefore save time, access different recipes and also post question about recipes.
This project is primarily a social platform where users can leave comments with any questions or remarks about posted recipes.
Users can also save their favourite recipes. All the orders placed in the app will return to the database and users can checkout by using a PayPal account or their card.
The App is created in Android Studio by using Java, MySQL, Firebase, and integrated PayPal libraries as a check out method. Firebase database is used to store all user login and sign up information as well as return details of customer purchases to the back end system.
Technologies Used
Java, MySQL, Firebase, Android Studio
Personal Bio
Final year computing student, specialising in Software development.
Six months experience as a service desk engineer intern with Spector Information Security.
Three years’ experience in customer services in an electronic repair shop.
Practical experience developing software, including web and business projects in a team environment while studying at the National College of Ireland.
Strong CSS3, C#, ASP.Net, AWS, HTML, HTML5, Java, JavaScript, JSON, SQL, R studio, GitHub, XML skills and also currently leaning Python.
Proficient in using multiple IDEs and software such as NetBeans, Visual Studio, Android Studio, SQLite, MySQL Workbench, Notepad++, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Office.
Visa: currently on Stamp 4 & Fluent in both English and Chinese.
Seeking graduate opportunities in software development or data analytics.