The Company Site Traffic Management System targets companies who have a lot of delivery trucks coming and going at their sites. The system can alleviate a big volume of traffic build up going into the company premises.

With this project, I developed a software application that creates barcodes. The barcode generation software populates a database with information such as the date, vehicle registration number, name and purpose of visit. This information then goes on the front of heavy goods vehicles as a barcode. The barcode includes the name of the driver, the registration number of their vehicle and their purpose of being on site.

The raspberry pi has a camera connected to it using the camera port on the raspberry pi board. This is mounted at the security barrier of a company premises. When the heavy goods vehicle arrives to site the barcode is on the front of the vehicle mounted in a bracket and plastic holder. The barcode is then read by the camera. Once the raspberry pi reads the barcode information, the security people can let the driver in once they verified the information from the barcode.