This project was developed for individuals or companies interested in the different types of cyber-attacks taking place daily and learning how to defend against such attacks.

The purpose of this project is to describe real time use and analysis of Honeypots implemented in MHN, using the Digital Ocean cloud based server. I deployed research honeypots across the world (Amsterdam, New York and Singapore) to analyse the different ways cyber attackers attack from different continents.

A user creates an account with a cloud based server of their choice to host their honeypots. They install the MHN server onto their operating system through a number of Linux commands which is stored on the cloud based server. The MHN server stores attack logs from the Honeypots. Once the MHN server is setup, the user can deploy the Honeypots on the cloud based server through more Linux commands. Once the Honeypots are set up, attacks happen in a matter of seconds. The user must then set up machine learning to pull the attack logs from the MHN server. Once the attacks build up the user can prepare their analysis and identify reoccurring attacks and regular attacker IP addresses.