The PID is a project initiation documentation management application.  The idea for this project came from my work experience internship where I found that a lot of Project time can be wasted due to a breakdown in communication and inconsistencies in understanding of the project by all involved.   

I have created an application that allows both Project Managers, Legal teams and other members of an organisation to create project documentation, review it and be able to generate a project plan on existing project management software. This will mitigate the risk of redundancy and inconsistency that can often come from human error.  

The PID Application has the following features: Documentation Upload (If there is existing project documentation to adapted to the application), Template Generation, Field Creation, User Group Notifications, Image Upload (Should mostly be related to diagrams and projections of the projects progress), Adjustable Colour Blindness mode, Documentation Approval permission and Project Plan creation on other existing software such as Microsoft Project.